商贸版报错内容里含t_CC_Stock_BatchNo 字符 以及出入库的时候提示“同批号辅助属性保质期生产日期或有效期不同” 完整标题是这个,论坛标题限制在20个字
select FISKFPeriod, *from T_CC_StockBillEntry e inner join t_icItem t on t.FItemID =e.FItemID where FISKFPeriod=0/*未启用保质期管理*/
and (FKFDate is not null or e.FKFPeriod <>0 or FPeriodDate is not null /*出入库单据信息里有保质期信息,这是单据有异常*/)
select *from T_CC_StockBillEntry e inner join t_icItem t on t.FItemID =e.FItemID where FISKFPeriod=1/*启用保质期管理*/
and (FKFDate is null or e.FKFPeriod =0 or FPeriodDate is null /*出入库单据信息里无保质期信息,这是单据有异常 这里条件使用OR可能存在异常,需要用数据检测修复。这种错误无法直接给修复脚本除非商量给保质期等信息一个确定的值*/)
select FISKFPeriod, *from t_cc_stock_BatchNo e inner join t_icItem t on t.FItemID =e.FItemID where FISKFPeriod=0/*未启用保质期管理*/
and (FKFDate <>'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' or e.FKFPeriod <>0 or FPeriodDate <>'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' /*出入库单据信息里有保质期信息,这是单据有异常*/)
select *from t_cc_stock_BatchNo e inner join t_icItem t on t.FItemID =e.FItemID where FISKFPeriod=1/*启用保质期管理*/
and (FKFDate ='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' or e.FKFPeriod =0 or FPeriodDate ='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' /*出入库单据信息里无保质期信息,这是单据有异常 这里条件使用OR可能存在异常,需要用数据检测修复。这种错误无法直接给修复脚本除非商量给保质期等信息一个确定的值*/)
update e set FKFDate='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' , FKFPeriod=0,FPeriodDate='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' from t_cc_stock_BatchNo e inner join t_icItem t on t.FItemID =e.FItemID where FISKFPeriod=0/*未启用按保质期管理*/
and (FKFDate <>'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' or e.FKFPeriod <>0 or FPeriodDate <>'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' )
update e set FKFDate=NULl , FKFPeriod=0,FPeriodDate=NUll from T_CC_StockBillEntry e inner join t_icItem t on t.FItemID =e.FItemID where FISKFPeriod=0/*未启用按保质期管理*/
and (FKFDate is not null or e.FKFPeriod <>0 or FPeriodDate is not null )
exec sp_UpdateInventory